Viruddhahara(incompatible food)


According to Ayurveda Incompatible can be treated has poison or artificial poisoning 

According to Ayurveda, every food has its own taste (rasa), a heating or cooling energy (virya) and a post-digestive effect (vipaka). Some also possess prabhava, an unexplained effect. So while it is true that an individual’s agni largely determines how well or poorly food is digested, food combinations are also of great importance. When two or more foods having different taste, energy and post-digestive effect are combined, agni can become overloaded, inhibiting the enzyme system and resulting in the production of toxins. Yet these same foods, if eaten separately, might well stimulate agni, be digested more quickly and even help to burn ama. 

Viruddha Anna or incompatible diet is very important issue discussed by ancient Ayurveda workers. It is said to be the cause of many systemic disorders as per Ayurveda literature. Persons who consume Viruddha Ahara are prone to many disorders. It is very important to correlate the mechanism as to how Viruddha Ahara is a cause of many metabolic disorders. It is also essential to know how certain food combinations interact with each other and create a disease. 

For Eg :
1.honey and water are also incompatible if lemon is added little bit then it is not harmful
2.Meat of hen should not be taken with curd
3.soup of blackgram should not be taken with raddish
4.germinated seeds should not be taken with stalk of lotus should not take cold water after tea and coffee
6. One should not take cold substance in winter

MEAT.      - blackgram,honey,milk,
                    Germinated seeds, lotus
                    Stalk, raddish, jaggery

MILK.       -fish, sour fruit, green leafy

1.curd should not be taken after heating 
2.honey and ghee should not be taken in equal quantity 
3.water obtained from saline soil is incompatible

Incompatible food don't cause harm to the person doing regular Excerise and taking unctuous substance, having increased digestive power, middle aged and strong person

Side effect of incompatible food 

Boils, oedema, toxicity, abscess ,tumor, tuberculosis, loss of vigor, strength, memory, intelligence, sense perception  , fever   


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