


When we eat food, it goes down through the food pipe and is stored in a bag called stomach for about 1.5 – 2 hours.  Here, the food undergoes disintegration into very small particles. Hydrochloric acid kills many of the micro organisms that we might ingest in food and a small portion of the food is absorbed. After 1.5 hours, the food is pushed down to the intestine for further digestion.

If the inner lining of stomach is damaged or irritated or inflamed due to causes like heavy alcohol consumption etc. the condition is called gastritis. (Gastrum = stomach, itis = inflammation).

Gastritis , acid reflux , chest burn . In ayurvedic system it is also called as Amlapitta


‘Hurry’, ‘Worry’, and ‘Curry’ are the three main reasons for the disease.

Deit (ahara)

  • Virudhahara(incampatible food ) eg.milkshake, honey lukewarm water with lemon 
  • Rotten , stale food , fermented food like idli , dosa , dokhla , meduwada 
  • Heaving excessive spicy food like samosa , pizza , burger chinese bhel etc excessive  use of spices in food
  • Eating dry food such has bakery product ,eating less vegetables 
  • Sour fruit , sour things 
  • Having coffee and tea in excess
  • Having excessive salty things like fast food , snacks ,pickle , papad
  • Irregular meal times
  • Repeated food intake (before the digestion of the previously taken food)
  • Skipping meals 
  • Eating to late at night
Regimens (Vihara)

  • Sleeping at day time cause mandagni means food in not digested properly and hence lead to indigestion and amlapitta
  • Lack of rest, fast-moving lifestyle.

  •  Insufficient sleep at night.

  •  Excessive exposure to sun and fire

  • Suppression of natural urges.

  •  Sleeping immediately after meals.

Mental factors .

  • Stressful lifestyle
  • Excessive anxiety, worry, jealousy, anger, fear
  •  Job dissatisfaction,
Other causes

Living in anoopadesha i.e Assam, Bengal and coastal region.

  • Sharadritu (Autumn season)

  • All the above factors result in excessive increase of ‘Pitta dosha’ in body and exhibits symptoms of amlapitta.

  • Helicobacter pylori infection

  • Prolonged intake of NSAIDS (pain killers)

  • Addiction of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing.

Sign and symptoms .

Heart & chest burn (retrosternal burning),

 Sour or bitter belching.

 Nausea,

 Throat burn.

 Regurgitation of food or sour substance

 Vomiting

 Gaseous distention of abdomen

 Heaviness in abdomen

 Indigestion.

 Aversion towards food.

 Pain in the abdomen.

 Chest pain.

 Headache.

 Bad breath.

 Foul-smelling loose motions.

 Severe burning sensation over feet, hands

 Thirst,

 Mouth ulcer,

 Fatigue (especially in legs)

 Tiredness

 Fainting.

 Giddiness.

 Itching all over the body

Prevention .

  • Having meals at regular time like start with one fruit in breakfast give a time to digest that and then have lunch at 12- 1 pm with sabji roti and and then have a dinner till 7:00 clock in evening 
  • There should be a gap between dinner and sleeping time one should  sleep 3hrs after food because food will come upward in mouth 
  • One should eat curd in night and if not suits your body then one should not eat it 
  • Avoid spicy food, salty food , sour food 
  • Avoid going out in sun for long time 
  • Avoid taking bath with excess hot water for long time
  • Dont drink more water in between the meals 
Home remedies 

1)Soak the black raisins over night and have in early morning 

2)Warm milk  mixed with ghee and  stone sugar (not the refined )

3)Hima (cold infusion ) of coriander seed and  jeera soaked overnight and having infused water in morning

4)Including vegetables like 

Some medicinal remedies 

1) Take 3 gm of shatavari churna with milk   twice a day  before food for 3 days  

2 )  Take  3 gm f Yashtimadhu churna churna with milk for 3 days  twice a day before food  

3 ) Aloevera juice mixed with honey and sugar( not refined )  before food twice a day for 1 week 

4) Guduchi  kwath - Take 1/4 tsp of guduchi churna and 2 cups water and reduced it to 1/4 and the have with sugar mixed with it (not refined sugar )

Add spices in food like 

 One should take 1spoon ghee on regular base

 Stay healthy and stay fit !!
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