How to reduce body heat ??
How to reduce body heat ??????
As know that summers are approching. Since it is early summers , and sun is above the head , heat inside the body increases .
To avoid more concesquense and to maintain the equillibrium of body and to save our body from dehydration one should cut down the excess body heat and to keep body hydrated one should drink things which are cold in nature
Here i will tell some home remedies to keep your body hydrated and cool
Many people have lots of heat already present in them for them its is very difficult to survive in summers becoze is more outside
Becoz already they have body heat they sweat a lot they have itchy skin and small boils on body which may be itchy sometimes so in such case one should not use antiseptic soaps and cooling soaps which are advertise
One should use naturally present neem (Azadirachta indica)
1. On should take neem leaves along with stem present with leaves take water in big vessel and boil it till all the neem get exracted in water and take bath
And if have itchy scalp then also wash hairs with same neem water . It will reduce the body itchy and as we know that it is natural antibacterial
2 . Chandanlepa is one the best remedy for combating the summer heat
One should take chandan powder ( which will be easily available in ayurvedic shop) and add rose water in that and apply on face and in between the two eyebrows .This will immediately reduce the body heat
3 . One should avoid refrigerated water in summers becoz even if we feel that it is cold but not its is synthetical cold not naturally colled .It will increases vata dosha
One should drink water from clay pot it is naturally cooled
Please do watch youtube video on further how to reduce body heat
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