Summer regimen
Summer season(grisma Ritu)
In Ayurveda they have said about all the season and seasonal regimen of every season so that we will not face any seasonal diseases. Many people are not aware of what to eat and what to drink without knowing right regimen they land up getting various diseases early I Disscus about daily regimen in my blog
As there heat in summer season the sun absorbs heat from the body of human and from environment and all the environment and human body become dry and this leads to dryness and increase thirst in the body .It extend from may to june
Effect of summer season
The Dosha in the body gets vitiated i.e vata ,pitta, kapha
Now question arises what is this vata,pitta,kapha
Vata is involved in all body movement and is present below umbilicus
Pitta is involved in transformation and digestion and giving colour and vision to body and is present in umbilicus region
Kapha is involved in mosturizing body and present in the form of liquid in joint and plasma in blood and is present in chest region
And Becoz of heat and excessive dryness the vata Dosha increases and absorbs liquid from the body and Becoz of excessive sun rays the pitta in body increases leading to sweat and foul smell from body and increase pitta pollutes blood and skin related disorder occur
In Ayurved the acharya have told what to eat what to wear
In Ayurveda they have said about all the season and seasonal regimen of every season so that we will not face any seasonal diseases. Many people are not aware of what to eat and what to drink without knowing right regimen they land up getting various diseases early I Disscus about daily regimen in my blog
As there heat in summer season the sun absorbs heat from the body of human and from environment and all the environment and human body become dry and this leads to dryness and increase thirst in the body .It extend from may to june
Effect of summer season
The Dosha in the body gets vitiated i.e vata ,pitta, kapha
Now question arises what is this vata,pitta,kapha
Vata is involved in all body movement and is present below umbilicus
Pitta is involved in transformation and digestion and giving colour and vision to body and is present in umbilicus region
Kapha is involved in mosturizing body and present in the form of liquid in joint and plasma in blood and is present in chest region
And Becoz of heat and excessive dryness the vata Dosha increases and absorbs liquid from the body and Becoz of excessive sun rays the pitta in body increases leading to sweat and foul smell from body and increase pitta pollutes blood and skin related disorder occur
In Ayurved the acharya have told what to eat what to wear
Following fruits will keep our body hydrated and will maintain water balance in body
Ghee is one of the thing which is soft and nourishing and mitigates increases pitta and dryness in the body and moisturizer the body from inside It also increase digestive power and complexion
All this drinks will keep your body cool from inside and increase ur rasa dhatu
Chia seed are also one that has cooling effect on body (Sabja)
Some people have burning micturation ,eye burning, they should drink jeera +corriander seed soak in water and use soaked water for drinking after certain interval and u will get relief
Khajur, gulkanda etc also has cooling properties
Cotton clothes , thin material clothes from which is easily passed and sweat is immeadiatly absorbs and there is no itching
One should drink pottery water and avoid fridge water as it cause excessive thirst
Sleep during day is not allowed during day time in other season Becoz Kapha dosha increase in the body and leads to obesity but during summer season the day sleep is advised Becoz body gets exhausted and sleep during day time mitigates vata and pitta
During summers one should eat light food and small quantity food Becoz of low digestive power food is not digested in body fast and can lead to indigestion
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