

Amlapitta Introduction When we eat food, it goes down through the food pipe and is stored in a bag called stomach for about 1.5 – 2 hours.  Here, the food undergoes disintegration into very small particles. Hydrochloric acid kills many of the micro organisms that we might ingest in food and a small portion of the food is absorbed. After 1.5 hours, the food is pushed down to the intestine for further digestion. If the inner lining of stomach is damaged or irritated or inflamed due to causes like heavy alcohol consumption etc. the condition is called gastritis. (Gastrum = stomach, itis = inflammation). Gastritis , acid reflux , chest burn . In ayurvedic system it is also called as Amlapitta Causes ‘Hurry’, ‘Worry’, and ‘Curry’ are the three main reasons for the disease. Deit (ahara) Virudhahara(incampatible food ) eg.milkshake, honey lukewarm water with lemon  Rotten , stale food , fermented food like idli , dosa , dokhla , meduwada  Heaving excessive spicy food like samosa...

Indigestion - common cause for all diseases

  Indigestion - Common cause for all diseases Aim of ayurveda :: ।। स्वस्थय स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम् आतुरस्य  विकार  प्रशमनम्।। Swasta means healthy person .First aim of ayurveda is to maintained the healthy state  of normal human being .Second aim is to cure the diseased patient  ||रोगाः सर्व अपि मन्दे अग्नौ || This means root cause for all the disease is low digestive fire .As we know that if our digestive fire is low then Ingested food will not digest and nutrients will not get absorbed properply and hence lead to many disease i.e indigestion  Importance of food   Food is great medicine said by ' acharya kashyap' So we should take proper quantity of food , proper quality of food  and at proper time  There are 7 factor that causes indigestion   1. Samasana - what people do is they take unwholesome food with unwholesome food for  eg : Eating chips and snacks item etc  along with food is not good for health  2. Adhyasana - Now thi...

How to reduce body heat ??

How to reduce body heat ?????? As know that summers are approching. Since it is early  summers , and sun is above the head , heat inside the body increases  .  To avoid more concesquense and to maintain the equillibrium of body and to save our body from dehydration one should cut  down the excess body heat and to keep body hydrated one should drink things which are cold in nature  Here i will tell some home remedies to keep your body hydrated and cool Many people have lots of heat already present in them for them its is very difficult to survive in summers  becoze is more outside  Becoz already they have body heat they sweat a lot they have itchy skin and small boils on body which may be itchy sometimes so  in such case one should not use  antiseptic soaps and cooling soaps which are advertise  One should use naturally present neem ( Azadirachta indica)  1. On should take neem leaves along with stem present with leaves take water in...

Winter regimen

  Winter regimen   Introduction Winter season is a cold season. And I think all of us like winter season that cold breeze ,snowfall, and cold climate make all of us lazy and we tend to sleep  in cozy warm blanket .This is the beauty of winter that nights are long and days are short so we get more time to sleep . But because of cold outside the channels inside the body get blocked vata dosha is predominant in winters .The leaves become dry and air outside also becomes dry and cause dryness in body and digestive fire also increases  This is very common that we feel very hungry in winter as soon as we get up from the bed becoz of high digestive fire. Food is digested very fast  As there is predominance of vata dosha the skin become dry , lips get cracked , so to keep them moistirizing one should eat unctuous substance like ghee and should use seasame oil in cooking that will keep body nourished   If proper amount of nourished food is not taken then all 7 ...

Varsha Ritucharya

Varsha Ritucharya Introduction  Rainy season is being favorite .Many of us love  rains . After that hot and exhausted summer season where everything is dry and bared rain makes that bare area green and heat from the ground is released and the environment becomes moist and there is moisture in air too.Same thing happens in the body to body become naturally exhausted  in Adana Kala (that is summer)  season and dryed from inside and after rainy season the moisture  content increase in body which decrease the digestive power  So we have to switch the summer  regimen  to rain regimen Becoz we should not continue the same diet in all   three season Becoz then it will cause acculmalation of ama dosha in body  Effect on body During rainy season all the three dosha get vitiated vata, pitta and Kapha    In summer season: there was caya of vata and prasama of Kapha  Now  In rainy season : the vata ...