Winter regimen

 Winter regimen 


Winter season is a cold season. And I think all of us like winter season that cold breeze ,snowfall, and cold climate make all of us lazy and we tend to sleep  in cozy warm blanket .This is the beauty of winter that nights are long and days are short so we get more time to sleep .
But because of cold outside the channels inside the body get blocked vata dosha is predominant in winters .The leaves become dry and air outside also becomes dry and cause dryness in body and digestive fire also increases 
This is very common that we feel very hungry in winter as soon as we get up from the bed becoz of high digestive fire. Food is digested very fast 

As there is predominance of vata dosha the skin become dry , lips get cracked , so to keep them moistirizing one should eat unctuous substance like ghee and should use seasame oil in cooking that will keep body nourished 
 If proper amount of nourished food is not taken then all 7 dhatus will not get nutrients properly and body will burn the tissue and emaciation can occur 

In winter it is advised to eat unctuous food ,
Food which are sweet in taste , salty in taste ,and sour in taste  this taste normally occur in winter season 
If consume this taste then our will remain banlanced 

 Note: sweet taste doesn't mean that one should eat sweets that are avalaible in shops ,unctuous doesnt mean that one should it deep fried foods and excess oil in food healthy fats present in nuts, milk
Ghee should be consume 
Salty doesnt mean that one will eat more salty food .seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed in every season and also one which grows in ur region should be taken 

Vegetables available in winter season

Fruits that are available in the season should be consumed 

Fermented food such as south indian food which has sour taste should be eaten in winter season such as idli ,dosa ,medu vada

Dokhla and many gujarati people can also have curd which also sour in taste 



Note : people having acidity problem, burning senstion , pitta problem and rise in body temperature and ulcer problem problem related to pitta should not eat  sour food and sour fruits in excess quantity

One can al so eat mutton soup, fish available in particular region 


Black gram (phaseolus mungo)

Bajra (millet)

Lifestyle modification in winters 

One should massage body with seasame oil (tila taila) before taking bath it will moisturize ur body and mitigate excess vata dosha and should take a bath with luke warm water 

Note : one which have very dry skin should do the oil massage on regular bases and one with oily skin there is no need of it

One should cover the body with sweaters and head should be covered well and foot should be well covered with socks so that body remains warm in winter 

One should not drink ,eat cold food and drinks and should not stay in cold climated excessively 

"In this one should follow the winter regimen to keep oneself fit and healthy"


  1. Very well described and superb written kanchan๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰ go ahead


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