Indigestion - common cause for all diseases
Indigestion - Common cause for all diseases
Aim of ayurveda ::
।। स्वस्थय स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम् आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनम्।।
Swasta means healthy person .First aim of ayurveda is to maintained the healthy state of normal human being .Second aim is to cure the diseased patient
||रोगाः सर्व अपि मन्दे अग्नौ ||
This means root cause for all the disease is low digestive fire .As we know that if our digestive fire is low then Ingested food will not digest and nutrients will not get absorbed properply and hence lead to many disease i.e indigestion
Importance of food
Food is great medicine said by 'acharya kashyap'
So we should take proper quantity of food , proper quality of food and at proper time
There are 7 factor that causes indigestion
1. Samasana -what people do is they take unwholesome food with unwholesome food for
eg : Eating chips and snacks item etc along with food is not good for health
2. Adhyasana -Now this is very common thing that all of us do almost everyday many times what happen we didnt get hunger call but if mom has made delicious food and we end up eating that in large quantity now we know that even though hunger was not present then also we have eaten food now this is the reason food is not digested properly and hence cause indigestion
3 vismasana- Now what happens sometimes we eat less and sometimes we eat more and late or too early .Now what happens we know that we should eat know becoze hunger is not that severe but still we eat for a safe side that is totally wrong . If we eat food with proper quantity on proper time. It will be digestion on proper time and then motion will also pass in proper time
4- Virudhasana- Taking incampatible food which is of opposite quality According to ayurveda its creates poison in stomach most common example is
a)Taking lemon warm water and honey togather this is wrong method
b) Taking milkshakes of different fruits mixed with milk
❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌So people this the most important cause which many of us dont know and is the leading cause for skin diseases and many other diseases
My full blog on viruddhahara is present on my blogspot check it out
5- sankirasan - Eating outside food i know this is not possible to avoid it compeletey but guys this is very important that we should control on eating outside food
All these are the main cause for ajirna
Now its comes very important part is concentration while having food
One should have meal with peaceful mind without talking and standing .Many people watch tv programmes and watch series on mobile while eating food . Guys this is totally wrong . We should concentrate on food while eating it will nourish your mind and nourish your dhatu and tissue of the body
Symptoms of Indigestion (Ajirna)
4.loss of appetite
6. Heaviness in stomach
7 .belching similar to those occuring just after meals
8.sour belching
9.burning sensation in chest
10 . Disliking for meals
11. Excessive salivation and heaviness
1.One should consume high fiber diet include leafy vegetable , fruits and all greens
2. One should avoid drinking water immediately after and before food
3. Green moong , garlic ,dry ginger ,blackpepper, ginger should be included in cooking
4.Amala , pomegrante , seasonal fruits should be consumed
5. 1 spoon of ghee should be consumed on regular basis to improve digestion process
6. Instead of drink normal water one should drink water which is reduced to 1/4 cooled and drinked
7 . Should avoid eating lifeless food such as
Instead of eating pulses more offen switch to greens and observe the difference
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