Winter regimen
Winter regimen Introduction Winter season is a cold season. And I think all of us like winter season that cold breeze ,snowfall, and cold climate make all of us lazy and we tend to sleep in cozy warm blanket .This is the beauty of winter that nights are long and days are short so we get more time to sleep . But because of cold outside the channels inside the body get blocked vata dosha is predominant in winters .The leaves become dry and air outside also becomes dry and cause dryness in body and digestive fire also increases This is very common that we feel very hungry in winter as soon as we get up from the bed becoz of high digestive fire. Food is digested very fast As there is predominance of vata dosha the skin become dry , lips get cracked , so to keep them moistirizing one should eat unctuous substance like ghee and should use seasame oil in cooking that will keep body nourished If proper amount of nourished food is not taken then all 7 ...