
Showing posts from July, 2020

Varsha Ritucharya

Varsha Ritucharya Introduction  Rainy season is being favorite .Many of us love  rains . After that hot and exhausted summer season where everything is dry and bared rain makes that bare area green and heat from the ground is released and the environment becomes moist and there is moisture in air too.Same thing happens in the body to body become naturally exhausted  in Adana Kala (that is summer)  season and dryed from inside and after rainy season the moisture  content increase in body which decrease the digestive power  So we have to switch the summer  regimen  to rain regimen Becoz we should not continue the same diet in all   three season Becoz then it will cause acculmalation of ama dosha in body  Effect on body During rainy season all the three dosha get vitiated vata, pitta and Kapha    In summer season: there was caya of vata and prasama of Kapha  Now  In rainy season : the vata get vitiated and caya  of pitta  Strength and predominance   of taste